This family came from all over the US to gather back on their family land in Harper, TX. And of course, that needed to be photographed! So glad I got to be a part of this! What’s super interesting is that this land has been in their family for over a 100 years. When the Germans settled in the US, they took advantage of the land the government was giving away and the Rahe family took hold of it. After watching 1883 (If you don’t watch it, it’s a must see! It’s the prequel to Yellowstone), I have an ALL new respect for those that settled in the untamed land. And what a beauty this place is! Unbelievably beautiful bluffs, waterfalls and grazing land. It’s the stuff cattle ranchers dream of.
And also apparently meth heads… FUNNILY enough, right before everyone arrived the game wardens caught and arrested two meth dealers who were up to no good on their property. So everyone was in the middle of that when I arrived! That was a wild turn of events. Shout out to the game wardens! They took care of business! But the show must go on… and while I was able to get some AMAZING photos of all the family, I am most proud of taking this photograph of 36 people right in front of the amazing white bluff that is iconic for the family. Glad to be going back there this summer for round two. What a beautiful, wild, and fun family!